9. März 2012

From water to wine : Looking for a title

A few days ago I finished a painting which belongs to the serie "Hommage to Cy Twombly" and didn´t know how to entitle it. Well, I decided to post the image on my Facebook-Page to ask my faithful audience for ideas and proposals.

What a great happening!

I´d never thought that there would come so many extraordinary titles and was pretty blown away. Each proposal was well-fitting - suitable and matching! At this point I experienced for the very first time that the viewers even on Facebook, where the images are just an idea of the original, can feel the radiance of my artworks!

I really appreciate all their efforts to entitle this very emotional painting. Now I`ll show you the proposals in the order of postings on Facebook:

Red Passion 
Crying Rose 
Clouded Burst
Smiles and Cry´s
Unloved Passion -Lost Love-
Lost in Translation
Peach - Heart Bleeding
Feelings (Gefühle - German)
Crying Mirror (Oglinda Care Plange - Romanian)
Carrying her Cross
Internal Combustion
From Water to Wine

It is a very heavy challenge to choose one of these titles !!!

The most touching proposal is "Oglinda Care Plange" - Crying Mirror. It´s hardly possible to describe the correlation between this titel - the painting and me. We all know that sometimes there´s no no need for any explanation or statement, it´s the emotion that counts.

Miscarriage  touched me too very deeply. Need I say more? 

Donald wrote that he can feel my "Internal Combustion" while painting this homage. Thus became clear to me - if you had seen me how I created this work, I´m sure you would have felt the inspiration of Cy Twombly! 

Carrying her Cross made me nearly mediative because of all the painful experiences in the last year.

You see that there´s a context to all proposals. I only explained a few without judging. It´s the time constraints why I made only a little overview.

I´d like to express my heartfelt thanks for this wonderful experience! I´m pretty happy and proud to have such a nice and faithful audience as an artist. 

Finally I need time for THE title and have to handle my emotions...

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