30. April 2014

Women´s World 4 Perse Exploration Society

Women´s World 2014 | Monika Mor

As it happens I read a blogpost from Vandy Massey called Exploration Society Fundraising for Morocco and was excited about this part of her writing:

"We’re all aware of the six degrees of separation theory and how often we find unexpected connections between people and places as we go through life. So where does the degrees of separation thing come in to this, you might ask?"

There´s no need to tell that I asked her how to support too and it only took a few hours to manage this - my painting Women´s World has just been donated to The Perse Exploration Society of Cambridge to raise money for the Morocco 2014 Nursery School Project.

Now I´m in a hurry to pack the painting and bring it to the post office :)

I love to donate my art for a good cause like this one! It´s a sign for being grateful for my talent and to make the world a bit brighter day by day!

To learn more about Vandy Massey who made me know about this project go to Vandy Massey Art on Facebook or visit her Webpage.

"We’re all aware of the six degrees of separation theory and how often we find unexpected connections between people and places as we go through life. So where does the degrees of separation thing come in to this, you might ask?"

28. April 2014

Leeza @ Bitterzoet Magazine

It´s always a great pleasure when an artwork of mine is published :) 
Leeza is out of the serie MOO NUDES and I´m pretty proud about this successful paintings!

Limited Print Edition

27. April 2014

Produkttest für boesner | stylefile marker brush

Der freundlichen Einladung von boesner Deutschland, die stylefile marker brush Produkte durch das Kreieren von Zeichnungen zu testen, bin ich sehr gerne nachgekommen.

Das MAIN SET A der Stylefile Brushmarker, die eine spitze und eine breite Seite anbieten,  besteht aus12 Farben mit denen ich konträre und eigenwillige "Zeichenarbeiten" angefertigt und dabei die Marker gnadenlos ausgereizt habe :)

Nachstehend meine Ergebnisse und Eindrücke zu den einzelnen Erprobungen: 

Die Marker sind angenehm handzuhaben. Die schnelle Trocknung und hervorragende Haftung auf dem durch Acrylfarben glatten und wasserabweisenden Untergrund sind ein absolutes Plus und das erste Ergebnis sehr zufriedenstellend :)

Titel: Das Drama um MH370

Künstlerpapier von Hahnemühle 33,5 x 45 cm 
Acrylfarben Van Gogh | Royal Talens 

Auf dem stark saugenden Aquarellkarton ist es naturgemäß schwer, klare kantige Konturen zu schaffen. Die Leuchtkraft der Farben kommt durch den wertvollen Untergrund wunderbar zum Ausdruck. Die Trocknung ist auf diesem Malgrund selbstredend verzögert - die Haftung einwandfrei.

Titel: Schutzraum
Künstlerpapier von Hahnemühle 33,5 x 45 cm

Die Marker sind für runde Elemente sehr gut geeignet, sie laufen beinahe eigenständig über den Maluntergrund. Die Farbbrillianz kommt nach dem Trocknen toll zum Vorschein, sie behalten ihre Eigenständigkeit, d.h. ein Verlaufen bleibt aus!

Titel: Hirtenstabwald
Künstlerpapier von Hahnemühle 33,5 x 45 cm

Bei diesem Test habe ich die Farben großflächig auf den Untergrund aufgetragen und stellenweise verschiedene Marker übereinander verwendet. Da ich durch die vorangegangenen Bilder die Marker ziemlich ausgereizt habe, ist das Ergebnis teilweise weniger deckend und verleiht dadurch dem Werk einen besonderen Ausdruck, erzeugt tolle Effekte..

Titel: Esther meditiert
Künstlerpapier von Hahnemühle 33,5 x 45 cm

Der Abschluss dieses Produkttests wurde mit dem letzten Rest, den die Marker nach der massiven Belastungsprobe noch hervorbrachten, inszeniert. 

Titel: The End
Normalpapier A4

Mein Testurteil für die  Stylefile Brushmarker fällt  positiv aus
 und lautet sehr empfehlenswert!

12. April 2014


Um eine dringend nötige Therapie leichter finanzieren zu können, habe ich eine kleine Serie (15 Drucke) aus dem Zyklus "Akte MOO | MOO NUDES" zu einem fantastischen Preis von je EUR 14 aufgelegt. 

Die Drucke können bequem im onlineSTORE gekauft werden - vielen Dank für die Hilfe!

In order to raise a bit money for a much-needed therapy, I launched a small serie (15 prints) from the cycle "MOO NUDES" for a fantastic price of EUR 14 (approx USD 19).

Purchasing is very easy in the onlineSTORE - thanks for your help!

CHARITY for THERAPY on Facebook

8. April 2014

Lady Vagina @ The Vagina Project

About 2 weeks ago I´ve got knowledge from The Vagina Project through The Haggus Society based in Los Angeles where I´m a lifelong member. I was astonished about the project implemented bei Jessica Row a NYC-based artist, learned more about it by checking out the website and all I could find about it was pretty interesting! 

It´s such a great project and I´m losing inhibitions through it, which guide me nearly lifelong. I guess many women have problems with the word vagina and the absurd stigma of it. Through looking back I discovered that I neither learned this word at school nor was I teached by my mother to name this "thing". And I remember the difficultness to name my painting "Lady Vagina" in 2012 for some reason.  I think most of the women of my generation feel familiar with this thoughts although they don´t bear any reason if watched from the outside. 

The painting "Lady Vagina" belongs to the series MOO NUDES, a slyly erotic celebration of the female body. The work represents the womanhood tautologically and invites the beholders to discover the feminality and the open-endedness of the element.

About the Curator: JRow is a NYC-based artist who also creates and leads online community-based art projects. She is also an LMSW-level social worker. She studied art at Hunter College and holds degrees from John Jay College and Columbia University in forensic psychology and social work, respectively. She has been studying the social issues experienced by creative workers since 2007. There have been a few incarnations of an applied model of her studies, such as artist networking events and an artist social justice workshop through the Tryst Collective, which she founded. Her work, however, has moved into an online story collection and social justice project called Artist Stories (artiststories.wordpress.com). A feminist, she also created and curates the Vagina Project (vaginaproject.org) to help de-stigmatize and de-politicize the vagina. To learn more about JRow, please visit jrowart dot com.

7. April 2014

Awarded @ 3rd Annual All Women Art Competition

Wisdom 2014 | Collagen - MOOgeleien

What a great pleasure  to receive such a message:

"Your artwork is outstanding and you should be very proud that your work was chosen from 709 entries which were submitted from around the world."
John R. Math - www.lightspacetime.com

Light Space& Time Online Art Gallery  announced that its April 2014 online art exhibition is now posted on their website and is ready to be viewed online.  The theme for this art exhibition is “All Women”, and it was a women only event. The gallery received a broad selection of 2D media from women artists from around the world for this event.    

Special Recognition Award for Wisdom

I´m pretty proud about this success of my serie "Collagen  | MOOgeleien" which started at the end of 2013 and grew between 3 months to nearly 200 works! 

To create the collages is a fantastic process! A symbol of reduction and construction of mundane. Interpretations of multiformly communication; brutal dissection of what already exists to allow the creation of fragmentary stories, the creation of a new organism. 

Collage 023 | Collagen - MOOgeleien

Technical games with scissors, paper, ink, acrylic, pen and brush give a lively divergence away from the physical limits and the bundling of a perspective which may be at first glance a bizarre worldview. 

Collage No. 023 "Seduction" is featured in the event catalogue and I´m very thankful about the appreciation of my work! 

To proceed to the galleries 3rd Annual “All Women” online art exhibition follow this link: http://www.lightspacetime.com/all-women-art-exhibition-april-2014/

Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery offers monthly art competitions and monthly art exhibitions for new and emerging artists. Light Space & Time’s intention is to showcase this incredible talent in a series of monthly themed art competitions and art exhibitions by marketing and displaying the exceptional abilities of these artists. www.lightspacetime.com