23. September 2013


New Book dedicated to the Golf Lover features Art from MOO :) 

wit & wisdom 
of a good walk spoiled”

an exciting and vibrant collection of golf art and text designed to celebrate golf and the people that love the game.

This golf art book showcases artwork along with quotations about golf that covers topics including sportsmanship, golf humor, the pros, Scotland, and even presidential golf. This collaborative publication has two goals in mind: first, to honor and highlight the great game of golf though text and artwork, and secondly, to showcase the talents of new and emerging artists who focus on creating golf art.

BookCollaborative.com provides artists with a platform through which they can gain exposure and recognition.  Both professional and nonprofessional artists were invited to submit their work to be a part of this golf art book.  The end result includes 36 artists from countries including the US, UK, Canada, Dominican Republic, Austria and Sweden. GOLF SAYINGS features a variety of golf art styles including golf photography, illustrations, collages, and paintings.

Like all books published by BookCollaborative.com, “GOLF SAYINGS: wit & wisdom of a good walk spoiled”, is distributed by the world’s largest book distributor Ingram. The book is available on Amazon.com, Barnes&Noble.com and by order through any bookstore in the US, UK, and Canada.

GOLF SAYINGS and past works from BookCollaborative.com may be purchased at discount a through visiting the website www.BookCollaborative.com.

BookCollaborative.com, founded by Bradford G. Wheler, is a collaborative service that assists a wide variety of artists to reach the public through the publication of collections of their works. Past releases include; CAT SAYINGS: wit & wisdom from the whiskered ones, HORSE SAYINGS: wit & wisdom straight from the horse’s mouth, DOG SAYINGS: wit & wisdom from man’s best friend, SNAPPY SAYNGS: wit & wisdom from the world’s greatest minds, and EIGHTEEN 6/10/71 The Poetry of John G. Hunter III.  More information on is available on the website www.BookCollaborative.com 

Title: GOLF SAYINGS: wit & wisdom of a good walk spoiled
Author: Bradford G. Wheler
Illustrations by 36 artists from 10 countries
Edition: First
ISBN: 978-0-9822538-5-4
Pages: 114
Cover: full color soft cover
Interior: Color
Price: $24.95
Publication Date: October 1, 2013

3. September 2013

So schön ist Wien 2013 | Bezirkssiegerin Neubau

"Ein besonderes Foto erzählt eine Geschichte – manchmal auch mehrere", sagte ich im Interview für das Wiener Bezirksblatt vom 2. September (Ausgabe für Neubau, den 7. Wiener Gemeindebezirk). Und ich freue mich ganz besonders, dass es mir auch heuer wieder gelungen ist, einen "Bezirkssieg" einzufahren :)

Auf die Frage, welchen Bezug ich zu dem Siegermotiv hätte: "Als Künstlerin natürlich einen ganz besonderen, denn Gustav Klimt gehört zu Wien wie der Steffl oder das Riesenrad. Die Aufnahme zeigt ein Detail aus dem Werk „Tod und Leben“, das als Plakat affichiert war und repräsentiert für mich das Leben in der Metropole Wien, in der einerseits das Leben pulsiert, andererseits auch Raum für Ruhe und Geborgenheit vorhanden ist. Ein enorm großer Teil des Lebens in Wien ist die Vielfalt der Kunst um die uns die Welt beneidet und Wien dadurch für Touristen noch anziehender macht." Stimmt, gell?

Vielen und ganz herzlichen Dank an alle, die für mein Foto gestimmt haben!