28. September 2015

Mystical Lies & The Truth

Mystical Lies 2015
It doesn´t matter where you look these days, the liars are literally on the move to achieve their goals! Swindlers living at the expense of others, enrich themselves through so-called charitable activities and write fairy tales with a devotion to support solely themselves.They are mostly looking for lonely and oppressed people for making promises  in order to get money, support, Know How and many other needs. Exploiting the trust is these liars most useful tool.

Their true faces they reveal when one asks for the promised outcomes and where the money is left! They slander, vilify and initiate smear campaigns like cyberbullying, forged documents, identity theft and corruption of public officials.

My graphic Mystical Lies out of the serie Mystical | graphix illustrates this approach in a subtle way, the darkness of failed existences searches incessantly the light where they wish to be seen.  

I totally agree with the saying by Gretchen Truth: Draws from verity & truth will keep you warm. 

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